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  2. 专业知识
  3. 外贸运营助理工作职责和招聘模板

1 岗位职责描述(Position Responsibilities)

  • 营销资料的管理和维护

Management and maintenance of marketing materials

  • 海外数字营销平台的维护

Maintenance of overseas digital marketing platforms

  • 营销内容的创作和维护

Creation and maintenance of marketing content

  • 其它部门安排工作

Other tasks assigned by departments

2 任职要求(Qualifications)

  • CET4英文四级或以上

CET-4 (College English Test Band 4) or above

  • Office(WPS)熟练

Proficient in Office (WPS)

  • 25岁以下,男女不限

Under 25 years old, gender not limited

  • 面试将考核英文和计算机能力

The interview will assess English and computer skills


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